April Books

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Darling Girls

by Sally Hepworth

Genre: Thriller

  • Goodreads: 4.22/5 rating score

In Sally Hepworth's gripping novel, three foster sisters, Jessica, Norah, and Alicia, harbor dark secrets from their seemingly idyllic upbringing under the rule of their foster mother, Miss Fairchild. When a body is found beneath their childhood home, they become entangled in a web of suspicion and must confront the shadows of their past to uncover the truth about their fractured family and their own roles in the unfolding mystery.

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Funny Story

by Emily Henry

Genre: Romance

  • Goodreads: 4.53/5 rating score

In this sparkling novel, Daphne finds herself in Waning Bay, Michigan, after her fiancé realizes he loves someone else, proposing to be roommates with Petra's ex, Miles. As they navigate their unlikely friendship and concoct a plan involving misleading photos, Daphne wonders if she's truly ready to open her heart to someone unexpected.

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The Sicilian Inheritance

by Jo Piazza

Genre: Contemporary

  • Goodreads: 4.48/5 rating score

In Jo Piazza's captivating novel, Sara Marsala embarks on a journey to Sicily following her great-aunt Rosie's death, uncovering family secrets and a possible murder plot involving her great-grandmother, Serafina. As Sara delves deeper into the past, she confronts menacing forces while unraveling a multigenerational mystery that sheds light on the resilient spirit of women like Serafina who challenged the status quo.

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